Sea Life Adventure Park...
Weymouth Sea Life Centre, now known as the Weymouth Sea Life Adventure Park, is a truly great attraction and combines learning about the sea and its creatures with lots and lots of fun!
What’s more this already amazing attraction now combines, in one ticket, the chance to see the wonders of the deep at the Sea Life Centre with a trip up the 53 metres tall, "Jurassic Skyline" rotating tower. At the Sea Life Centre and Adventure Park itself, you can come face to face with seals, turtles, penguins, sharks, all sorts of fish and, perhaps the most enigmatic and graceful creatures of them all - seahorses! Kids and adults of all ages will find something here to enthral and excite them. Wander through a range of different marine environments and marvel at the strange and mysterious creatures which live in and around our shores and the oceans of the World. In a world where wildlife TV like the “Blue Planet” has brought the wonders of the deep into our front rooms, the Sea Life Centre still has the ability to amaze. Even with “interactive” TV, you can’t truly interact with the animals on your screen, whether you press the red button or not! But go below in the seal area and place your hand against the glass. Watch seals swim up to “touch” you. Move your hand in a circle, and these playful creatures may even perform an amazing underwater ballet just for you! There’s more excitement to be had watching penguins, playful otters and turtles. An unexpected highlight for any visitor is a trip to the Rays. Kids keep going back for more of these inquisitive, sleek and surprisingly beautiful animals. Watch as they lift their noses and wings out of the water, as if inviting you to touch them - but make sure you don’t! The oil on your skin is damaging to their skins and can give them all sorts of problems. So tempting as it may be, the rule is “look but don’t touch”. It may not be easy during the busiest of visits, but the Sea Life Centre, as well as being a place of excitement, is also a source of great tranquillity. Find a seat beside one of the huge aquaria of colourful fish and just relax as they float effortlessly and gracefully before you. Believe it or not, even the sharks, gliding majestically and seemingly effortlessly through the water, will bring a new meaning to the phrase “deep relaxation”. Perhaps the most relaxing of all is the seahorse aquarium. These strange animals have an other-worldly appearance and behaviour to match. There’s so much to see you’ll need to be careful to leave enough time to make full use of the Caribbean Cove children’s play area. And if you’re going in the summer don’t forget to take the kids’ swimming togs and towels so that they can get totally immersed in the fun of the amazing splash pool! There’s always something going on at the Weymouth Sea Life Adventure Park, so to make the best of your visit, check out this year’s programme of special events! And when you’re done, hop on the “Land Train” or stroll along Weymouth’s famous Georgian sea front to the Amazing “Jurassic Skyline tower”. |
Kids and adults of all ages will find something here to enthral and excite them. Wander through a range of different marine environments and marvel at the strange and mysterious creatures which live in and around our shores and the oceans of the World"