Monkey World...
“Monkey World” is an animal park with a difference and star of the Channel 5 “Monkey Life” TV series.
Monkey World specialises in apes and other primates. It was originally set up as a sanctuary for apes and monkeys rescued from unhappy lives being photographed with tourists on Spanish beaches and has grown into one of the biggest collections in Europe. Established by the late Jim Cronin and his wife Alison, this fascinating Dorset park now combines rescue work and animal care with education and fun. The attraction, which is located between Wool and Bere Regis, is enjoyed by all ages from the smallest children to the most senior of citizens. You’ll be amazed by the range of fascinating animals spread throughout this huge and well-appointed park. From Chimps, Orangutans and Gibbons to a huge selection of smaller apes and monkeys. A walk through the Lemur Wood is a must! The whole park spreads over 65 acres making it essentially an outdoor attraction, and so best seen on dry days. The park is laid out to be as kind to the inhabitants as it is to the visitors. There’s masses of space for everyone, which means you can view the animals without feeling you are imposing on them. There are over 150 primates to see, and if that’s not enough, there is a pets’ corner and animal farm. The park has its own on-site catering facilities and picnic areas so it's easy to spend a whole day. And if you think that’s too long, don’t forget the massive play area at the furthest end of the attraction. This will keep older kids happy for ages and leave them exhausted (which is nice)! There are also play areas with little one’s in mind, so there’s no need for anyone to miss out on the fun. Whether you want to learn more about primates (and that’s what we are) or whether you just want a fun day out, you won’t be disappointed by a visit to Monkey World. |